Rhonda Oliver
and Jenefer Philp
University Press 2014 162pp.
Paperback ISBN 978-0194000840
This book
belongs to the series Oxford Key Concepts
for the Language Classroom, edited by the formidable duo Patsy Lightbown and
Nina Spada, which “is designed to provide accessible information about research
on topics that are important to second language teachers” (xiii). In
particular, this volume shows the relevance to the practicing teacher of
research in second language acquisition, and its implications for oral
interaction in the classroom. Very little prior knowledge is assumed, and a
glossary of key terms is provided.
Each chapter
contains several “Classroom Snapshots” in which the authors present classroom
data to illustrate the concepts they are introducing, and also activities to
consolidate the reader’s understanding. These activities are well designed to
promote reflection and will be very useful for teacher educators to incorporate
in their classes. There are also a few Spotlight Studies, each of which
presents a selected research study in slightly greater depth than the other
research reviewed in the book, but still in a maximum of three pages. These are
simple but accurate accounts of contemporary research – all of the studies
highlighted are from the twenty-first century, and some are as recent as 2013.
The two central
chapters of the book focus on the primary and the high school classroom
respectively, and consider the implications of research for teaching practice
in each of these contexts. Lots of useful practical suggestions are given as
consequences of the research findings surveyed. For example, there are pointers
on how to provide scaffolding and how to give feedback. The final chapter
returns to the ten statements that formed the basis of the first activity in
chapter one, and summarizes what has been learned about these issues throughout
the book.
In common with
all the titles in the series, this volume is designed to be useful “either as
part of a university teacher education program or in a professional development
course for experienced teachers” (xiii). It does an excellent job of
introducing significant research findings and demonstrating their practical
relevance, and for readers who wish to explore further, there is a
comprehensive list of references and also a brief list of suggestions for
further reading.
Peter Beech, Anglo-Hellenic Teacher Training, Corinth, Greece
Review first published in IATEFL Voices 247, November - December 2015