In the current economic situation, it is more important than ever for your school to be distinguished by the quality of the services that you provide. One simple way to stand out from the crowd is to employ a native speaker teacher of English.

A native speaker is a constant source of authentic language, and when all the classroom interaction takes place through the medium of English, the students absorb a lot more language. They are using English to talk to an English person, and so they are motivated by the constant opportunities for genuine communication. As they struggle to find the right words to express themselves, they are engaged in an effort to get their meaning across. This effort is the key to developing their communicative competence. Every lesson is a rich source of opportunities for the development of language skills. And the parents are enthusiastic because they know that with a native English speaker their children are really using the language to communicate.

As long as your employee is from the UK or Ireland, members of the European Union, the procedures are no more complicated than if you hire a Greek national. We will provide you with clear and detailed information about all the necessary procedures for your dealings with the Ministry of Education, the Directorate of Employment and IKA. And the hourly rate of pay determined by the Ministry of Labour is exactly the same whether you employ a native speaker of English or a Greek teacher.

All of our teachers have a university degree and a TEFL qualification. Many of them have undertaken their TEFL training with us, and so they have a good knowledge of the materials and methods that we use in Greek schools of English, and they have already had observed teaching practice with Greek children. In addition to those who come to us for their training, we also receive applications from hundreds of teachers each year who are already qualified and who want to come to teach English in Greece.
So finding a native speaker teacher to suit your requirements is now just as easy as finding a Greek teacher. In the current difficult economic circumstances, students and parents are increasingly looking for a guarantee of quality. The question is no longer whether you can afford to employ a native speaker of English, but whether you can afford not to.
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